Sponsor Information Form Name First Last Email Business NameT-Shirt SizeXSSMLXL2XL3XL4XLAny Dietary Needs/Restrictions?Would you like to request additional nights at the host resort?Your ticket includes 3 nights at Disney's Coronado Springs Resort (Nov. 16-19). You can purchase additional nights before/after the event at $270/night. Please indicate any additional nights requested below.Do you need to add any additional guests to your room?For no charge, you can add 1 adult and 2 children to your room (for a total of 4 guests).Will you be using your included "Conference Only" ticket? If so, please specify your guest's 1. name, 2. email and 3. if they want to purchase a separate room at the venue.Your sponsorship includes an additional "Conference Only" ticket. This does not include an additional room, so if they need to secure a room, please let us know. 77456